Campaign Designer allows Alterian Marketers to design, build and execute campaigns with a guided user experience, resulting in higher productivity for users and better understanding of campaign flow. Marketers can create campaigns to deliver personalized communications and emails to individual schedules using timers, events and triggers as part of the campaign flow.
Segment Builder allows Alterian Marketers to create, execute and save segments using a guided user experience with unprecedented speed of access to data. The Marketer has access to all the latest data via a new record viewer, giving them the ability to optimize segments with detailed logic with the option to save and deploy across all campaigns as Master Segments. Segments are managed and accessed using the Segment View module which show the last update and counts and user.
As part of the on-going improvements in this release, the internal storage mechanism for AlterianEngine now supports single tables of greater than 2 billion rows. Some existing application components do not support the increased storage capacity, therefore no specific performance enhancements have been introduced with this release.
Future releases of Campaign Manager will introduce full support and additional performance improvements for the increased storage capacity. Therefore, for this release, we strongly recommend that the 2 billion record limit is not exceeded, unless UAT has been undertaken and found to give acceptable performance and functionality on a suitable environment.
With this release, we have started the migration of Best Practices Guides from PDF documents to online help topics. This enables the information in these guides to be searched from the online help search bar and easier to navigate.