Campaign Manager - Release Notes


Released 9 January 2018

This service release includes enhancements as well as fixes to issues raised by Alterian customers and partners

Important Upgrade Considerations

SSL Certificate for x64 must be reapplied after the upgrade when the deployer has updated java to 64 bit for first time.

Engine Memory Considerations - The memory management component affected is directly used by Campaign Manager crosstabs to allocate memory space for results. With this modification, the total size of a crosstab result can no longer exceed the amount of physical memory installed on the server. If that situation is reached, a failure processing error will now occur to the user and descriptive errors will be displayed in relevant log files.

Deprecation Notice

From 6.0.8, the following functionality changes will be implemented in Campaign Manager :

  • Variable Manager - Only Programs will be shown in Variable Manager. To view Campaigns, please use Campaign Calendar.
New Features

Ability to update Email Manager URL

This release includes a feature to allow the edit of an existing EM URL used for the EM Account Link administration function.

This feature is designed specifically for use in conjunction with, and on advisement of Alterian. Its use is related to our strategy to migrate theEmail Manager systems from our Data Centers during 2018, where existing URLs will need to be edited, and this feature should not be used at any other times.

To avoid unauthorized use, a new Edit EM URL permission has been created and is denied to all users except the system administrator. Please note this cannot be used to add a new URL to systems that do not have one defined. EM URLS must still be added to new systems using the existing deployer based configuration.

See the Change Email Manager URL topic in the online help for further information.


DateTime Format In Logs

DateTime format in logs standardized to [%utcdate{ISO8601}] %date{ISO8601}.

A server with non-UTC timezone would show the 2 datetimes logged differently in each file

Linked Segment Tool

In order to improve system performance, the document search functionality within the Linked Segment tool is now limited to using the Browse button only.


The following issues have been fixed in this release:

Issue No.



FIX - Outputting campaign file field with duplicated column names in resulted in wrong data being displayed.



FIX - Failure to link tables when using engine link tool inside the data import tool


ASD -18280

FIX - Scheduled Document containing engineered decode fields failing intermittently.


FIX - Deployer failure - Windows Installer proxy information is not correctly registered


FIX - Issue with CM unresponsive when processing crosstab


FIX - SendAMessage processing missing some retry logic

Known Issues

There are no new known issues related specifically to this release.

RePort Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please visit the ISSUE AND PROBLEM REPORTING page for more information.

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