Campaign Manager - Release Notes


Released 31 May 2017

This service release includes fixes to issues raised by Alterian customers and partners

Important Upgrade Considerations

SSL Certificate for x64 must be reapplied after the upgrade when the deployer has updated java to 64 bit for first time.


There are no enhancements included in this release.


The following issues have been fixed in this release:

Issue No.


DOB-12866 Issue resolved where system is unable to process campaigns due to a locking issue
DOB-13081 Issue resolved where system is unable to shutdown Campaign Manager prior to a data load
DOB-12993 Campaign Manager 6 updated to use 64 bit Java Runtime
DOB-13273 Issue resolved where user cannot navigate to bookmarked Campaign Manager site URL, after upgrade to Campaign Manager 6
Known Issues

The following are known issues specifically related to this release:

Area Description

Kettle on Multi-Server Environments

After running the Campaign Manager 6.0.2 upgrade on a multi-server environment, it is recommended you logon to any separate Engine server(s) and check Kettle by running Spoon.bat.

The JAVA_HOME is cached, so may need refreshing if unable to start Kettle post-upgrade. To update the cached value, logon to the affected server and navigate to Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced system settings -> [Environment Variables] and click [OK] to apply latest values.

RePort Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please visit the ISSUE AND PROBLEM REPORTING page for more information.

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