6.0.5 |
Released 26 September 2017
This service release includes new features and enhancements as well as fixes to issues raised by Alterian customers and partners
SSL Certificate for x64 must be reapplied after the upgrade when the deployer has updated java to 64 bit for first time.
Administrators can now query a list of upcoming Campaign and Scheduled document activity to help assess the impact of pausing the system or view upcoming campaign activity. This is available via API access in this release with a view to adding a UI in a future release.
A new setting has been added to nucleus.config file to allow the default C: Drive file location for surrogate dump files to be overridden to avoid potentially large dump files from consuming sometimes limited C: drive disk space.
It is now possible to search for words that start after an underscore in names e.g. Gender_Decode will now return when searching for Decode.
The following issues have been fixed in this release:
Issue No.
DOB-13550 / DOB-16548
FIX - Unsupported operators in Campaign Variable Tool causing errors. These operators have been removed and can no longer be selected.
FIX - Data load FAILED on HistoryId Link
Data load process failed and will not shutdown due to coalesce issues.
There are no new known issues related specifically to this release.
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please visit the ISSUE AND PROBLEM REPORTING page for more information.