Campaign Manager - Release Notes


Released 12 May 2017

This service release includes an enhancement and fixes to issues raised by Alterian customers and partners.


Grid Segmentation N per X Enhancements

  • It is now possible to specify how many records are selected by N per X on a per row basis. This is done by entering the required value in the new ‘Take’ column in the grid. If nothing is entered in this column, then the Take number will use the grid default.
  • It is now possible for a user to apply the required N Per X row setting to all rows in the grid at once (Pass On, Exclude, Off). This is done using a new ‘Reset N/X’ button below the grid. Alternatively, they can multi-select rows using the Ctrl and Shift keys, and then apply the required setting via a new N per X option in the right click menu.

The following issues have been fixed in this release:

Issue No.



Issue resolved so that the Random Sample tool works correctly when used in conjunction with a date field selection resolved to another table.


Issue resolved where a disabled datasource error was being displayed inappropriately under certain circumstances.


Issues resolved with the On a Schedule tool so that the label gets automatically updated when settings are changed.


Counts now displayed correctly when editing Venn diagrams within a dashboard report.


Concurrency issue resolved related to the use of the Hour system variable in multiple campaigns.


Issue resolved that was causing the Engine database to become unresponsive under certain circumstances.
DOB-10350 Issue resolved where an error was being displayed when trying to load Heat Maps through the CM Campaign Builder module.


When running a document via the API that contains Linked Segments, any processing errors are now correctly returned. This addresses a regression issue introduced in 5.1.8.
Known Issues

There are no known issues specifically related to this release.

RePort Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please visit the ISSUE AND PROBLEM REPORTING page for more information.

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