Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Calculated Measure tool

Use Calculated Measures with one or more existing measures in conjunction with mathematical operators to create results like Totals, Averages, Percentages, or more complex calculations.

For example, if you had a measure that was a count of all customers in your database, and another that was a count of all mailable customers, then you could create a calculated measure that showed the percentage of customers in your database that are mailable.

To create a calculated measure, the report must already contain the normal measures that will be used by the calculated measure. If more than one is used, then they must be named uniquely.


  1. Drag the Calculated Measure tool into the Measures area of a report.

The Calculated Measure configuration screen is displayed. For example:

  1. Click the <New calculated measure> text to make this field editable, and enter a suitable name for the measure:
  2. Select the Measures that will be used in the calculation by selecting them from the drop-down and clicking the + button. You will see that multiple iterations of the measure are available by default - these include All records - Total records - Row total of records and Page total of records.
  3. Select the measure format using the numeric format helper.
  4. The Visible check box is intended for use with calculated measures where one measure may be used by another, but wouldn't be displayed on its own in the final report. In this example you would clear the check box.
  5. Use the available operators and functions to build up your expression. Use the button to validate the expression.

Here is a simple example of a calculated measure used in a grid used to display Males as a percentage of Total Customers:

The grid also contains a simple measure called Count of all Customers which is used in the calculation, and breaks the results down by a 'County' dimension. This results in the following grid:

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