Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)


The measure tool is a standalone version of the measure functionality used in many other areas of the system. Measures are used to define the basis of a report, that is what you are actually measuring. It could be a simple count of Order, or a calculation such as the sum of a database column.

The behavior and functionality of measures is consistent throughout the system.

The standard measure tool can be dragged into reports to add additional measures.

For a simple count, select a function of Count from the Function drop-down menu and then select the relevant table using the generic selector in the Source field. For more advanced measures, select a function such as Sum, Average or Standard Deviation and then select the Source column that the function will be based on.

You can also apply a filter to a measure. Any applied filter will be unique to that measure and AND'd with the report filter by default. Where multiple measures have been added to a document, then each can be filtered differently allowing comparisons to be made

Note: Multiple measures can be added to a chart allowing the user to compare results. The Visible check box is intended for use with calculated measures where one measure might be used by another, but would not be displayed on its own in the final report. In this case, you must clear the Visible check box.

More complex measures that use advanced mathematical functions can be created using the Calculated Measure tool.

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