Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)


A template in Campaign Manager is a reusable object. You can turn most objects, from simple segments to Output Layouts and Campaign Tactics, into Templates.

If you are unsure, right-click on an object and look for the Save as Template option:

Templates are stored as documents within the document storage structure.

A '+' icon is overlayed on the icon to distinguish the object from normal documents, for example .

You can open Template documents as follows:

  • From the Document Explorer, where you can select the Open button to open the actual template (administrators only), or the Open Copy button which will create a clone of the template that you can then edit without affecting the original. At this point the link with the template is broken and any subsequent changes to the templates will not be reflected in the new document.
  • From the Templates tab of the Data Explorer Pane. This view shows a subset of the Document Explorer folder structure, but only displays folders that contain templates. Templates can be dragged into documents. At this point a link is created with the original template, and changes to the original template may affect this document.
Note: Editing creative contents whilst it is part of a live Campaign has risks. Ideally campaigns using the creative are paused before changes are made.
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