Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)


You can use tools to perform specific functions in Customer Analytics, Campaign Manager and Predictive Analytics.

You can drag tools from the Tool box on the Data Explorer Pane to the workspace to perform an action at that point in the workflow. You can drag tools that create documents to the Document Bar to create a new document that can be configured in isolation and saved as a template.

Tools are color coded according to their functional area, which you can see by sorting the tools using the category drop-down.

Some tools are generic and can be applied in many scenarios, while other tools can only be used in very specific situations. For example, you can only use the Measure tool in the context of a report such as a Chart or Crosstab Grid.

When dragging a tool to the workspace, if the icon is overlaid with a green tick then the tool may be used in that situation; if the icon is overlaid with a red cross then the tool is not valid in that scenario.

Allowed example:

Not allowed example:

Alternatively, you can add tools to the workspace using the Create New button. In this case, only tools that are supported for the current scenario will be available to select from the list.

Note: You can only see the tools that you are licensed to use and which have been exposed by your administrator. This may be a subset of the tools listed in this help documentation.
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