And |
Will display a record if both the first and second condition are true. For example Age=30 and Gender=F will return records for customers who are 30 and female.
Or |
Will display a record if either the first or second condition are true. For example Age=30 or Gender=F will return records for customers who either 30 or female.
Exclude |
Excludes any records relating to the specified value.
EQ |
Equals returns any records relating only to the specified value. For example Country EQ Spain will return customers who have stated they live in Spain.
NE |
Not Equal To returns any records not equal to the specified value. For example County NE UK will return customers whose have not stated they live in the UK.
LT |
Less Than returns any records whose value is less than the one specified. For example Age LT 30 will return all customers who are younger than 30.
GT |
Greater Than returns any records whose value is greater than the one specified. For example Age GT 40 will return all customers who are older than 40.
LE |
Less Than or Equal To returns any records whose value is the same or less than the one specified. For example Age LE 30 will return all customers who are 30 or younger.
GE |
Greater Than or Equal To returns any records whose value is the same or less than the one specified. For example Age GE 40 will return all customers who are 40 or older.
Is Null |
Returns all records for which there is no value. For example Income Is Null will return records for customers who have not provided their income details.
Is Not Null |
Returns all records apart from those which have no value. For example Income Is Not Null will return only records for customers who have provided their income details.
Between |
Returns records based on a range of values. For example Age Between 18,25 will return all customers whose age is between 18 and 25.
In |
Returns records based on specific values. For example Age In 37,38,39 will return all customers whose age is 37,38 and 39.
= |
Equals returns any records relating only to the specified value
< |
Less Than returns any records whose value is less than the one specified.
> |
Greater Than returns any records whose value is greater than the one specified.
<> |
Between records based on a range of values. For example Age Between 18,25 will return all customers whose age is between 18 and 25.
<= |
Less Than or Equal To returns any records whose value is the same or less than the one specified.
>= |
Greater Than or Equal To returns any records whose value is the same or less than the one specified.