Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)


Use the Check Cells tool they can also be used to segment recipients based on cell membership. Cells are a combination of variables and specific values and allow volume limits to be imposed at cell level and for individual tactics. You can create cells manually or, for creating a large number of cells, create them automatically using combinations of variable values or by importing cells from Excel,.

About this task

Where there is a requirement to create a large number of cells, these can be pre-configured in Excel and then imported into the Cells grid. If variables are used in cells, these must be created prior to import and you must check Use in Cell. The Excel file must include headers with column names that exactly match these variable names.

For example:

Recipients can be explicitly allocated to a cell, or they can automatically qualify for cell membership based on a combination of variables and specific data values. For example, you can specify that all people in a segment are allocated to Cell A. Alternatively you could define Cell A to be Males aged 18 to 24 who responded via the channel Social Media. Any records in the audience who met these criteria would then automatically be allocated to Cell A.


  1. Manually create cells individually:
    1. Click the button at the bottom of the screen.
    2. A new line will be added the main cell grid with the fields Name , Output Limit , and then any Variables that have been configured for use in cells. The Max Volume field will apply a volume limit to the total number of records allocated to this cell. Note that this is not a dynamic limit - once the limit has been reached if any recipients leave the cell, this does not enable additional recipients to join it.
  2. Import cells from Excel:
    1. Click the Import Cells button.
    2. Browse to the location of the cell file, select and click Open.

The cells will be imported and displayed automatically in the grid.

  1. Create cells automatically based on variable combinations:
    1. Click the Create Cells.
    2. Choose import option:
    • Send to Excel will create the cells in an Excel spreadsheet which can be edited and then imported into Campaign Manager using the Import from Excel functionality. You will be prompted to provide a name for the created file, and a location for it to be saved. Using this method the Max. Volume value will be -1 by default which indicates that no volume limits have been imposed. You can manually edit the file by setting volume limits and/or deleting unwanted cells.
    • Insert Direct will populate the Campaign Manager grid directly with no option to edit in Excel first. This option can only be used where the number of cells is less than 200. The Max. Volume field will display No Limit. If there is a requirement to create more then 200 cells then you should select the Send to Excel option.
  2. To configure cells individually, click on the grid and amend individual fields. You can also edit the cell name and add a description by editing the display panel on the right side:

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