Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Response Attribution Tool

Use the Response Attribution tool to configure appropriate response rules to monitor the success of a specific campaign and creative. You to apply one or more attributions to a creative. An attribution level captures the events on a campaign, for example to see how many orders were placed as part of the campaign.

The tool is processed on a nightly basis via iLoader, and therefore allows you to track from the people who were contacted as part of the campaign, how many of them responded, through to the number of people who placed an order after responding to the campaign.


  1. Select the Events tab on the creative.
  2. Drag the Response Attribution tool onto the creative.
  3. Select the Campaign History database. This is a mandatory field.

This is the database when iLoader stores your history data.

  1. Select the Response table. This is a mandatory field.

This is the Engine table that corresponds to the attribution level, for example Orders. Multiple response tables can be used within a single tactic.

  1. Enter the Response Date. This is a mandatory field.

This is the column that supplies the information for calculating recency, for example Order Date.

  1. Set any attribution rule settings if required. For example:
    • Select the The rule below should be given priority as directly attributable check box to process the rule below any other attribution rules.
    • Select the relevant query selection that is to be applied to the rule, for example a column from the Data Explorer and place it in the Filter area. Note that the use of variables is not supported.
    • Apply the rule criteria
Note: The attribution rule is run against the attribution table to reduce all data to those responses to be considered for attribution. For example Voucher Code = 'ABC'.
  1. Enter the Recency value.
    • 0: Up to midnight on the same day
    • 1: Up to midnight the next day
  2. Enter an Expiry value.

This is the number of months after campaign completion that attribution will continue to run. For example:

  • 0: Attribution stops at the campaign end date or cancelled campaign date.
  • 1: Attribution stops 1 month after the end date of the campaign, or the last day of the next month if the corresponding date does not exist. For example an end date of 31st Jan would continue processing to 28th Feb, as it works on a calendar basis.

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