Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

AB Testing (Multivariate Segment)

Use the AB Testing tool to use multivariate segmentation to perform actions based on Events such as to test how different groups of recipients differ in their responsiveness to tactics, and amend future contact as a result.

For example, you may find that males aged 18-24 are very responsive when contacted via a Social Media campaign, but not at all responsive to traditional mailings. This knowledge will influence future contact with this group.

This tool can also be used to test particular email creatives on control groups, before deciding which creative to use for the bulk of the mailing. In this case you would create two random samples of recipients from your main audience and mail each a different creative. Using the AB Testing tool you could measure the response rate after a fixed period of time, and use the creative that had the highest response when contacting the remainder of the audience segment. Note that the target audience will be your main audience minus those included in the test segments, therefore it is important to remember to only use part of your audience in the test segment, otherwise there will be no one left to receive the winning creative.

See the Procedure below for a usage example that demonstrates one way of doing this.


  1. Drag the tool into the required campaign track.

  1. Select whether you want to test for the Highest or Lowest incidence of an event.
  2. Click into the Events field to select the actual events which you want to work with.
  3. Drag segments into the area below, for example a database column or a segment created by a sampling tool like Random Sample.
  4. As soon as you drop a segment, the node will expand with a node for each discreet column value and a When matches branch tree where you can apply actions to take when that segment qualifies as the Highest or Lowest in the node.

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