Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Creating an Email Manager account link for use in campaign tactics

Create an upload link to use in the 'Send a Message' tactic from Campaign Manager.


  1. Select the Email Manager Account Links tab.
  2. Open the browse tree menu from the icon.

This menu is context sensitive.

  1. Click New account link.
  2. Enter the Email Manager system administrator (SA) username and password.
  3. Click Login.
  4. From the EM Account Link Type drop-down field select EM Account Link for use in Campaign Tactics.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter the EM Account Link Name.

This is the name the user will select in the 'Send a Message' tactic.

  1. Select the Email manager Client Set.
  2. Select the Email Manager Client.
  3. Select the Email Manager Group.
  4. Select the Email Manager User.
Note: This is the user that, from a permissions perspective, will govern the creatives that are available in the 'Send a Message' tactic.
  1. Click Create.

After the Email Manager Account Link has been created, users will need a login refresh to access it via the 'Send a Message' tactic.

Note: Campaign Manager automatically uses any Email Manager default suppression lists, this is not configurable.
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