Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Creating an Email Manager account link for Email Manager originated event data download

Create a download link in order to download the contact and response data gathered in Email Manager to Campaign Manager as well as intra-day updates to Preference and GDC tables in Campaign Manager.

Once the link is created the data download will commence. There is the option to 'Suspend download of Email Manager native Contact and Response data'.

This option will temporarily pause the download load data but does not stop the raw data being created in the Email Manager system. This is designed a short term pause, and if left in a suspended state for 5 days, will cease to collect data.

To stop raw data being collected, the EM Account link must be deleted, but can be re-created as desired.


  1. Select the Email Manager Account Links tab.
  2. Open the browse tree menu.

This menu is context sensitive.

  1. Click New account link.
  2. Enter the Email Manager system administrator (SA) username and password.
  3. Click Login.
  4. From the EM Account Link Type drop-down field select EM Account for EM originated Event data download.
  5. Enter the EM Account Link Name.
  6. Select the Email Manager Client Set.
  7. Select the Email Manager Client Name.
  8. Select the Email Manager Primary Key for that client for the data you wish to download.

This tool has a one to one mapping between Email Manager download link and the Primary Key.

  1. Click Next.
  2. Select the Data Source location for the data load.

This is the Engine data source.

  1. Select Option 1 to create new tables for the Contact and History Response Tables along with the Email Preference and GDC data tables. If these options are not visible, you may be required to use the Upgrade Process. You will be requkired to have created a Recipient State database as part of Datasource configuration.

Once the Email Manager link is created, these tables will be visible in Campaign Manager. The event data will be created, and data from that Email Manager account will immediately start to be downloaded to the tables. This will only download data sent from this time onwards, no historical data download will occur.

  1. Select Option 2 to load the data onto an existing Campaign Key.

The data will be added to the Campaign and Response History tables specified on your Datasource. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that the data is suitable for combining to a single key.

  1. Click Create.

For more information on this process, the services involved and the table structure created, refer to the Architecture Guide and Data Flow and Structure Guide respectively.

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