Campaign Manager - Application Admin

Prerequisites for creating and configuring Datasources

Configure the relevant information for Engine date/time formats, Campaign History database and table names, and Configuration of split repository paths to support A/B repository switch loading before creating a datasource.


You are strongly advised to configure your Datasource Settings when you set up a datasource, before the system is in production as many items are non editable. If you need to edit your Datasource Settings after the system is in production with campaigns running, contact Support for assistance.

Engine date and time formats

In AMC for the Engine project in question, ensure you have set Engine's SystemDate, SystemTime and SystemDateTime to the required formats. These are the formats in which the data will be stored in Engine ONLY. The formats that the user sees in the application are governed by the User Culture as described in the User creation, security and permissions section.

For Engine 7.0.0 installations the Engine defaults are as follows:

  • Date: CCYYMMDD - (SystemDateFormat = 0)
  • Time: HHMMSS - (SystemTimeFormat = 0)
  • DateTime: CCYYMMDD HHMMSS - (SystemDateTimeFormat = 0)

For more information see Engine DateTime settings, or the Engine Technical Library.

Campaign History Database and Table Names

Datasource creation allows the input of names for the Campaign History Database and the Master Campaign table for this Datasource.

If left blank the History Database is called Campaigns History, and once created cannot be edited.

If left blank the Master Campaign table name will be blank. This can be added later using the edit functionality.

Email preference and gdc database and table names

Datasource creation allows the input of the name for the Recipient State database and this database name in itself a pre-requisite for the creation of the Preference and GDC tables when subsequently defining a Campaign key or EM Download link

If the Recipient State database is left blank, it will not be possible to set up Preference or GDC tables in the Campaign Key or EM Account Link stages. If left blank at point of Datasourse creation, the name will be blank. This can be added later using the edit functionality but once created cannot be edited

Configuration of split repository paths to support A/B repository switch loading

The system has the ability to place Campaign Manager created data and the Customer Data Warehouse loaded to Engine in different repositories so they are isolated. This facilitates an A/B repository switch with the Customer Data Warehouse, while keeping the campaign state repository unchanged.

For more information, refer to the Minimizing Downtime with AB Repository Switching Best Practice Guide in the CM 6.0 Engine Help.

The repository split must occur on creation of the Engine project in AMC and not via this administration tool, so if switching is required it must first be configured in AMC.

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