activitylogbatchsize |
Controls the size of the activity log that is immediately visible in the Admin screen.
AllowUnlockedGridAudience |
When set to 'True', it is possible to clear the
Lock Inclusions After Start check box in the
Audience tab of Grid campaigns. This allows the audience and grid to recalculate, according to the selected update frequency. If 'Always' is the selected frequency, the recalculation will occur every time a track is processed. If 'On Start' is the selected frequency, the recalculation will occur when the campaign starts or restarts after a pause.
Default = False
ApplyEMDefaultSuppressions |
If a suppression list in Email Manager is selected as "'This list should be selected by default' (by selecting the 'Edit List Properties' in Email Managers List Management tool), this setting will force Campaign Manager, whilst implementing any Send A Message tactics, to use this list as a suppression list. This is identical to selecting the suppression list in Email Managers 'Send a message' tool.
Default = True
ApprovalsFromAddress |
The email address used to send approval emails to recipients. |
ApprovalsFromAlias |
The name that appears as the alias on the approval email. |
ApprovalsOn |
The field used to turn approvals on.
Default = False |
ApprovalsURL |
This field allows you to rename the Approvals email hyperlink to match your CM URL, rather than defaulting to the app server name. The specified URL will replace the server name in the Approvals URL when the Approvals and Notes link is selected in an email. Note that the setting is not validated to check if the URL is a valid address.
bingmapkey |
This is the license key for the maps used by the Radial tool in Customer Analytics. The deployer automatically sets this key. |
CAMRangeDefaultDays |
Controls the number of days of data retrieved by Campaign Activity Monitor.
Note: |
If you change the default number of days to more than 28 so you can collect more data, the load on the Email Manager back end system is increased. Therefore it is not recommended to change the default days value to greater than 28 unless absolutely necessary.
Default = 28 |
DefaultTrackPollingFrequency |
This setting controls the default frequency in seconds that the system will process a track (Track Polling). When you open existing campaigns that use a default polling time (the polling time has not been manually amended in the attributes tab on each track), the polling time on those tracks will show as the new default time (as per the setting). However, the campaign must be saved for the new polling time to take effect. The minimum value allowed is 300.
Default = 600
Please refer to See Campaign Manager - Best Practice Guides for more information.
DMEventsPollingFrequencyInSeconds |
This setting controls the default frequency in seconds that Campaign Manager polls the event table for instances of configured trigger events.
Default = 600
Please refer to See Campaign Manager - Best Practice Guides for more information.
exportemhistory |
These settings relate to Campaign History processing in versions up to and including Campaign Manager 4.0. For normal history processing in later versions, these are ignored. They have been left in place for Alterian internal use only and should not be edited unless requested to do so by Alterian Support. They will be removed in a later version. |
exportemhistoryatlocaltime |
exportemhistoryincrementally |
ExternalAgentDefaultPath |
This setting is used to enter the default path where the Kettle script is saved on the server.
Default = <null>
filesize |
This is the maximum file size in bytes for importing files into the system. This will apply to all imports including Excel templates and document packs.
Default = 42949672960 (40GB)
GenerateCampaignHistoryDefault |
Controls the default value of the
Generate campaign history check box on the campaign overview tab. Amending the value to false means that new campaigns will initially have
Generate campaign history unchecked. When changing the value of this setting logoff/restart the user interface for the changes to take effect.
Default = true
OptimizeEMDataStorage |
This setting is used to determine the storage path of data from 'Send a Message' tactics sent to Email Manager. When set to 'true', Campaign Manager send performance is improved. The setting for upgrades is 'false', and can be changed as required. The setting should not be changed if Recipient+List storage is required for all data to support ongoing processing.
Default = true/on for new installations
Default = false/off for upgrades
ShowWaterfallScrollbar |
Set to true by default. If set to False, there is no maximum width for the Waterfall tool and no scroll bar is shown. If the Waterfall tool includes a very wide object name, or a rule with a large number of inclusions, users will need to use the application scroll bar to view all details. |
StagingTableCountAlertThreshold |
Relates to handling tactic output table build up. When the number of built-up tables reaches this threshold setting, alerts will be generated hourly until the number of built-up tables drops below the threshold setting. |
StagingTableSuspendLoadThreshold |
Relates to handling queued tactic output tables. When the number of queued tactic output tables reaches this threshold number, new tables will not be loaded until the archiver catches up and the number of queued tactic output tables falls below the threshold setting. |
SuppressQueryFormQuestions |
If this setting is 'true', background calculations are suppressed when using Query Forms and the tooltip helpers do not display. This results in:
- Improved performance
- Users have more control of when processing takes place, for example, when manually calculating the form
Default = false
TelemetryOn |
Enable / disable telemetry services for system diagnostics, not currently in use. |