Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Email Preferences

The creation and use of Email Preferences are important tools to meet new GDPR legislation by allowing the marketer to set up multiple Email preferences for recipient meaning that those recipients can opt in or out of specific types of communications from a brand.

Preference Creation

Preferences are created in the Shared elements section of the Creative Builder screen.

The default sorting of preferences is Created date, but it can be changed to sort by any of the other columns.

Once created the Preferences can be used across any creatives and are also used to load recipient preference changes into Email Manager. See list loading.

To create a new preference

  1. Click on New to create a new Preference.
  2. Add a Preference name. Remember that this name will be used to load recipient preference data into Email Manager. For ease of use it makes sense to keep it short and concise. Once created preferences cannot be deleted nor the name changed.
  3. Add a Display Name which is what your recipients will see on the preferences page should they click through. It needs to accurately reflect the preference and what they would be opting into or out of. This can be changed at any time.
  4. Add a Description, which provides an opportunity to highlight the marketing reason for the preference to exist. This could also include the date when it went live. The Preference Creation date is also automatically added to the Shared Elements screen.
  5. The Terms and Conditions allow you to put a summary of your Terms and Conditions. These will also show within the preferences page next to the Preferences Display Name. This enables your recipients to have a view of the terms and conditions should they want to sign up to the Preference. These can be changed at any time. Changes to the Terms and Conditions will be rare as the Preference sign-ups are intrinsically linked to them. The Terms and Conditions are designed to be focused on the marketing need for the preference to exist. If broader terms and conditions are needed simple HTML links can be added and will work within the preferences page. You may choose to link to your standard corporate Terms and Conditions.

Once a Preference has been created you can Edit the preference by double clicking or highlighting and clicking on the Edit button.

Note: All the preferences elements apart from the preference name itself can be changed. Any changes to a preference are linked to the user making the change and the alterations made are stored to meet future preference audit requirements. If you intend to load many preferences it may be worth developing a naming convention (Pref_) so they group and can be identified preferences separately from list fields.


Assigning Preferences to a creative

Preferences should be initially created in the Preferences area of Shared Elements. Preferences created in Shared elements are then available to all creatives.

By default, each new creative has no preferences assigned. Having no preferences assigned allows each new creative to be sent to any audience. It is not restricted by the recipients associated preferences. Standard unsubscribes though are still honoured.

As you build out your preferences you may want to restrict a creative from being sent to a recipient unless they have suitable preferences set. This allows you a final control measure should your audience selection or segmentation go wrong.

To assign a preference to a creative.

  1. Click on Assign.
  2. In the Pop-up tick the preferences you would like to assign to this creative. Often it will be a one to one relationship. You are creating a Newsletter and you have a suitable Newsletter preference.

You can select multiple preferences. If multiple preferences are selected they work as “ORs”. The email will be deployed to any recipient that holds at least one of the selected preferences.

Once assigned the Preference will show in the Creative Elements section.

To remove a preference, highlight the row and click Remove.

Note: Changes made to the creatives assigned preferences will be recorded for future audit purposes.


importing preferences

If you are using Campaign Manager for all your campaigning requirements you will need to follow this process to push updated preferences into Email Manager.

The import to Email Manager tool can be used to manually load lists containing preference information into Email Manager.

Alternatively as part of a campaign process you can automate the upload of the latest preferences by adding the Email Manager import tool into a document and triggering this as part of the campaign. This ensures the preferences information is up to date within Email Manager before your campaign starts. The import to Email Manager tool can only be used to load preferences for a brand new list and it is not possible to add/amend preferences for existing lists.

Unlike standard fields Preferences are list agnostic. For this reason, they act subtly differently from standard list fields when loaded.

The Preference name acts as the import key. Load a list with a column header that matches your preference name (not display name).

Preferences should be used to opt recipients in or out of the preferences:

Opt in = 1, True

Opt Out = 0, False

With the preference mapped you load the list as normal.

Note: Sending a deployment that includes suppressions will pass events back into Campaign Manager on why each one was not sent. If the preferences are not correct the suppressions events will be passed back through as Field Suppressions.


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