Campaign Manager - Campaigns

sample split Element

The Sample Split element allows the definition of a Count or Percentage of recipients in the campaign flow to be selected and isolated for a specific action, with the remainder also being available to a different campaign flow. The segmentation is achieved by a Random Sample method.

  • The Random Sample within this element will select a random selection based on the recipients passing through at that time, and will make that selection independent of any previous selections made. For cyclic campaigns where the same recipient may pass through more than once, a previous selection does not guarantee selection again.
  • Repeated test cycles do not guarantee the selection of the same recipients each time.


The Sample Split element allows the definition of up to 4 separate samples , either of Percentage or Count, but does not support a combination of both sample types in the same element. A remainder is also available for a different campaign flow.

At the time of definition, each output is colour coded for clarity both within the slide in, and in the campaign canvas.


Sample Split configured with 4 percentage groups:



Colours areclearly visible in campaign flow for each sample, with the example below putting the remainder (red) to a dead end for no further action.


Adding and configuring sample split in a campaign

  1. Either open an existing campaign in Campaign View, or create a new campaign by clicking the New Campaign button in Campaign View.
  2. To add a Sample Split element, Click the plus sign on the edge of the element you want to add the new element after, (the plus sign could be blue , red or green ) and click the Sample Split option in the list.
  3. Click on the element to display the configuration slide in.
  4. Name the element if required.
  5. Set the Sample type to be Percent or Count as required, default is percentage with a percentage of 10%.
  6. Use the cross icon to add the desired number of Sample Groups and configure the Counts or Percentages.
    • Percentages cannot exceed 100.
    • Count will be processed in A, B, C, D order, if Counts defined are greater than those available, Group D may have zero output.
  7. Once all Groups and Counts are configured, the element is complete and ready for next steps.

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