Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Inbound Events

Inbound Event elements are used to process events from external systems. For example, dropped basket information from a website or a response by a customer to a call center can both be considered as events initiated by a customer that the marketer may want to react to. The website or call center system would be configured to output the event details, for example, the Customer ID and item name in the dropped basket. This information can then be injected into the Campaign Manager system. The Inbound Event element configuration 'listens' for the event to occur, allowing the marketer to decide what action to take when it does occur.

An Inbound Event represents a stop point or new phase in a campaign, recipients will wait here until the event occurs or a defined wait period of time has been reached.

Actions can be triggered from the Inbound Event. For example, a dropped basket email could be triggered, a variable value could be changed or recipients could be moved to a different phase in the campaign.

A campaign can be triggered by an Inbound Event, for example in this Inbound Event loop campaign flow:


Before you can set up an Inbound Event element:

  • The event source you want to use in the Inbound Event element must already have been created. This is typically be done by an Administrator and is performed in the Campaign Manager application - open a campaign, click the Events tab, set up the event source and save it as a template. For more information see the Import Events training video.


  1. Add an Inbound Event element to an open campaign in Campaign Designer.
Note: If you are creating a new campaign, you may want to select the Inbound event loop option from the New Campaign button in the Campaign View screen. This provides you with the elements needed to create a simple campaign flow triggered by an Inbound Event.

  1. Click the Inbound Event element to open the slide out configuration pane.
  2. Enter a name for the element.
  3. Select the Event Source you want to use from the drop-down list. At this stage, the configuration of the selected Event Source is imported into the current campaign as a new definition. If the original template is subsequently updated in Campaign Manager, you must click the Refresh button next to the Event Source field to refresh the changes made to the template.
Note: Event Source templates are set up in Campaign Manager. For more information see the Import Events training video.
  1. If you want to specify a wait time limit for the inbound event to occur, select the Event wait limit check box and specify the wait period (can be anything from minutes to years). If you do not specify an event wait limit, recipients will stay in the Inbound Event element until the campaign end date.
  2. Click the Done button.
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