Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)


Triggers are recipient events or recorded activity which can be used as the signal for further marketing activity to take place.

Event triggers can either been imported into the system using the Import CSV Events tool, or inferred using the When in Segment tool. Triggers events can also be generated when a recipient variable changes, for example if a recipient's 'Preferred Channel' changes then this may trigger a number of associated marketing actions, perhaps including a confirmation via the new channel.

Triggers you set up within a track only apply to recipients within that track. Global triggers set up on the Triggers can apply to all recipients at any time, irrespective of what track they are in.

Triggers are very flexible and can be used in many ways, for example a person applying for a store card could trigger an offer for a reduction on their first purchase. Alternatively an email newsletter unsubscribe event could trigger an Unsubscribe action which would uncheck the recipient's 'mailable' variable.

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