Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Deleting Campaigns in Campaign Manager

Once a campaign is completed or cancelled it can be deleted via the document explorer.

If Approvals is switch off, campaigns cannot be deleted when their status is Active.

If Approvals is switched on, campaigns cannot be deleted when their status is Pending Approval, Approving, Approved or Paused.

Campaigns consist of three main assets:

  • Campaign Document - deleting the campaign document does not also delete the other campaign assets.
  • Campaign State - will be automatically purged after the period defined in the Datasource Admin.
  • Campaign History - can only be removed if the campaign document is there as a reference to it. If campaign history is to be removed, this should be done before deleting the campaign document.


  1. If you want to remove the campaign history (if it has been generated), use the extended admin tool. This should be done before the campaign document is deleted.
  2. Select Remove State when on the Campaign Overview to clear the background data from the Campaign.
  3. Locate the relevant campaign in the document explorer.
  4. Right click on the campaign and select Delete.

  1. Click Yes to the Delete Confirmation message.

What to do next

If steps 1 and 2 are not followed and the campaign has generated campaign history, you will not then be able to locate the campaign in the extended admin tool to delete its history records, or be able to remove any background data using remove state. This information however will remain on your system. For more information on how to remove the history of a campaign, see the Campaign Manager Administration Guide.

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