Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Setting Up Approvals And Notes For Users

Use the Settings section of the slide-out navigation pane to set up Approvals and Notes for users.

This task can only be carried out by a user with the relevant administration permissions.


  1. Select the Settings tab in the slide-out navigation pane.
  2. Select Configurations.
  3. In the ApprovalsFromAddress field, enter the email address to be used to send approval emails to recipients.
  4. In the ApprovalsFromAlias field, enter the name that will appear as the alias on the approval email.
  5. Set the ApprovalsOn field to True.

If the setting is configured when users are logged in, it will not be applied until they log off and log on again..

  1. Click Save.
  2. For email notifications to be sent to approvers, the SMTP sever must be configured by the system administrator. Click here for information on how to do this.
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