Campaign Manager - Campaign Activity Monitor

Filtering In Campaign Activity Monitor

Filtering allows you to specify the deployments that are displayed in the Campaign Activity Monitor.


  1. Click the icon.
  2. Select the relevant filter option:
    • Email Manager Account: all available Email Manager accounts are listed here, in the order they were created. The first account in the list is selected by default. Data from only one account can be viewed at any one time.
    • Source: all source applications are selected by default.
    • Status: all deployments are selected by default.
      IconDeployment Status
      Completed (if the Roll-Off check box is selected for a campaign in Campaign Manager's Settings tab, the campaign retains the Completed status in the Campaign Activity Monitor)
       Prefetching and Prefetched - these are transitory states and have no associated icons
    • Started Date: the default date is two days prior to today. You can specify the started date to be Any Date, Today, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last 28 Days, Since a date (up to a maximum of 28 days prior to today), or your own Custom from/to date range.
    • Scheduled Date: the default setting is a date range from 2 days prior to today to 3 days after today (six days in total). You can specify the scheduled date to be Any Date, Today, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last 28 Days, Since a date (up to a maximum of 28 days from today), or your own Custom from/to date range.
    • Campaign Owner: defaults to your login name; to select another campaign owner, click the select box next to their name.
    • Email Manager Owner: the Email Manager User name - defaults to the owner of that account. To select another owner, click the select box next to their name. If you see identical User names in the list, this is because it is possible for Email Manager Administrators to create Users with the same name (however, their logins must be unique).
  3. Click the Apply button to save your selected filters.
  4. To reset the selected filters and revert to the default display, click the Reset button.

All filters are reset to the default settings, except the Email Manager Account - this retains whatever is currently selected.


Your selected filter options are displayed in the menu bar at the top of the main grid.

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