Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Setting Temp Database Location

Engine will create and use a Temp Database Repository as part of daya to day processing such as Data Imports, Campaign History intra-day updates and Cross-tabulation execution, to store temp files prior to adding data to the main repository.


By configuring the temporary database to be created on a drive other than one containing the main data repositories it reduces the chance of write failures due to drive space corrupting permanent data. Further, by avoiding physical contention between drives it is possible to improve overall system performance - especially when the temporary database is located on fast storage - which is unlikely to require as much space or resilience and so less costly than having all data reside on storage configured this way.


The location is set in the REPOSITORY section of the relevant cerberus.ini file as follows:

Location2=E:\Program Files\SDL Engine\ProjectBase\QA_MaiaRetail\tempdbname|P|1452


noting that the Location number is a straight increment from any existing number, i.e. is just Location1, 2, 3 etc as necessary

The final number – 1452 is what defines it as the location for the temp database.

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