Implementing Campaign Manager - System Management

Improved Engine Resilience With Surrogate Processing

Configure surrogate processing in AMC to allow certain Engine activities to be off loaded to one or more remote machines with the aim of improving performance and stability.

Use the Process Configuration applet in the Engine and Server Configuration folder within AMC to set up surrogate processes.

By moving crosstab processing to a different machine, if an incorrectly configured crosstab causes a lock, then it is the surrogate process that will fail, not the entire Engine session. Any campaigns that are currently being processed will therefore not be affected as these are managed by the internal Engine executable.


A SurrogateService.log file is created to capture activity an errors in Surrogate processing. By default created in the Engine Data\Logs directory this log also has an auto archive feature controlled by a registry value "LogfileSizeThresholdMb".

The default value, zero, defines the log to never archive.

Any other value causes the log files to be 'archived' when the log file reaches the that size, in megabytes.

The archived file's name contains the creation date / time of the log file, eg :



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