Implementing Campaign Manager - Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

Support for Released Plugins and Scripts

Lists the terms of support for Alterian released plugins and scripts, including customer modified plugins and scripts.

All functionality relating to the integration between Campaign Manager and Kettle is available via the free open-source version of PDI (Kettle) when installed with Campaign Manager. The terms of support for Alterian released plugins and scripts, including customer modified plugins and scripts are as follows:

  1. Alterian will assist customers in issue analysis to determine whether or not the technical issue is related to PDI or Campaign Manager.
  2. In order to isolate the issue, where the software is installed on an Alterian customer site, Alterian reserves the right to request that the third-party software be removed or disabled for the purposes of troubleshooting.
  3. If Alterian Support determines an issue exists in the latest released version of a data source connector or script included in the Alterian Connector pack, Alterian shall support this fully as part of Campaign Manager.
  4. If Alterian Support determines an issue exists in a modified version of a data source connector or script included in the Alterian Connector pack, no hotfix services will be employed as these are provided as open source connectors to be modified as a customer desires.
  5. If Alterian Support determines that the latest version of the connector or script is not being used, no hotfix services will be employed as these are provided as open source connectors to be modified as a customer desires.
  6. Alterian customers may request that changes be made to the standard connectors to benefit their solution. These requests will be considered as feature requests for future versions of the Alterian Connector Pack, at which time new functionality would be supported as Campaign Manager product.
  7. If Alterian Support determines an issue exists within the PDI (Kettle) application, not a connector, an update to that software may be made if the open source community accepts the change into the open source product. Alterian will not modify a version of PDI if it branches from the community edition codebase.
  8. If Alterian cannot directly identify the root cause of the problem or sufficiently work around it, Alterian Support will contact Pentaho Support to further troubleshoot the issue. Resolution may be constrained if Pentaho chooses to not support a particular issue in their product.
  9. Each release of Campaign Manager may contain specific advice in relation to configuration of PDI which needs to be maintained in order to qualify for PDI support.
  10. If a customer is utilizing an unsupported PDI configuration, Alterian Support will require the customer to open a support request with Pentaho to achieve resolution.
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