Implementing Campaign Manager - Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle)

Omni Tactic Integration

Omni Tactics use an integration with Kettle so that any actions, commands or processing that Kettle is capable of can be triggered by the Omni Tactic.

The Omni Tactic is essentially a set of skinned file export tactics for the most popular channels, including Twitter, Facebook and Salesforce. These are displayed to the user and recorded in Campaign History as the [ChannelType] column.

The Omni Tactic uses an integration with Kettle so that any actions, commands or processing that Kettle is capable of can be triggered by the Omni Tactic. As with the File Tactic, the basic process is that the file portion of the Tactic creates a file in the FTPOutputStagingDirectory and the Campaign processor calls the pre-configured Kettle job to run against that file.

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