Data Input And Integration Points
Integration between Kettle and Campaign Manager has two areas where data and script inputs come from.
When planning to implement a Kettle Job it is important to consider where the data and script inputs will come from. These will have different considerations, and are defined in the following:
- File data - the data that appears in the file itself, which comes from Campaign Manager Data Sources. This could include Engine data columns, campaign variables, or campaign attributes.
- Job/Transformation parameters - it is possible that the execution of a Kettle Job/Transaction requires input by the user with data that did not originate from a database column. For example, with a parameter of
Twitter handle the message would be required to originate.
In the integration code between Campaign Manager and Kettle there are some naming conventions for Alterian reserved parameters for the jobs or transformations. These are exposed in the Campaign Manager or Campaign DesignerUI to allow the user to manually input values that are passed to the Kettle Job/Transaction on execution.
All parameters from the primary Kettle job (ktr or kjb) are displayed in the admin pages and in the Campaign Manager's Creative tab or Omni Channel element slide-in. Any values for parameters that are displayed in the Campaign Manager UI will always override those in the admin pages. Any values specified in the admin UI will always override those in the Kettle scripts themselves, even if they are an empty string.
All reserved parameter names are prefixed with 'ext.' to avoid name conflicts with the customer's own parameter definitions. The naming conventions for reserved parameters are described in the table below:
Note: |
In previous versions the prefix 'sdl' was permitted. These will still work as before but Alterian recommend now using the newer 'ext' prefix. |
Parameter Name
This parameter will be populated as part of the integration with the name of the staging file generated by Campaign Manager during output.
Note: During testing with Kettle stand-alone, this parameter needs to be defined
This parameter will be populated with the name of the directory containing the staging file.
Note: During testing with Kettle stand-alone, this parameter needs to be defined
A naming convention for parameters that are required to be exposed in the CM Creative wizard UI, for example, sdl.creativeui.FileName
This parameter is written to Campaign History as the [ChannelName] column. One example of use is to store a user friendly name for an originating Twitter account.
The two items can be used in combination. This example will be written to history as the [ChannelName] and will be exposed to the Creative Wizard UI.