Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Create a Campaign Manager External Agent

Open the External Agents screen.

Click the Action button at the top of the screen and select the New Campaign Manager Agent option from the drop down menu:

This will open the New Agent screen:

Agent Name

Enter a name for the Agent.

Agent File Location

The default file location where Kettle files are stored, which is created on the Application/Web server during installation and for each new Client when using the NewClient API. Each client will create a path with a sub-folder of the internal Client ID. Default location is based on the application installation folder then \Alterian\Scripts\<ClientID>.

Agent File

If the file already exists in the default file location, click the drop down arrow and select the required Kettle file that will be used for this External Agent.

If the required file does not already exist, click the Upload button and using File Explorer, navigate to the required file. Only files with an extension of .ktr or .kjb can be uploaded. Other file types can be selected but will fail validation when Campaign Manager attempts to upload them.

Once the file has been uploaded it can be selected from the drop down list.


The Upload button is only available to individual users or those that are members of groups that have been granted the Upload Agent Script permission.

Validation only confirms that the selected file has the correct extension, not the content of the file.

The maximum size of a file that can be uploaded is 500KB.

If another file already exists in the location with the same name, it will be overwritten.

Type of Node / Sub Type of Node

These options help to categorize the Agent. Select a Type and Subtype of Node using the drop down lists.

Optional Input Step Name

If the Agent has an optional input step, enter a name for it here.

Stop on Error

Tick if processing should stop when the Agent encounters an error.

Editable Output Definition

Tick this check box if you wish to allows a marketer using Campaign Designer to add additional columns to the output definition in the Campaign. If the check box is left unticked, only the columns defined by the file can be included in the output definition.

Are the Settings Valid

This is a system driven field and indicates if the settings of the Agent are valid.

Once all information is entered, click Save.

This will add the External Agent to the left hand panel.

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