Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Email Events

Use Email Event elements in Campaign Designer to create a trigger action should the specified event occur for a recipient.

In the Campaign Designer campaign flow, Email Event Elements can only directly follow Email Elements. Email Events represent a stop point or a new phase in the campaign, as campaign recipients will wait here until the event either occurs or does not occur.

You can specify an Event wait limit to define a time period for the event to be checked. After this period has elapsed and the event has not occurred, recipients will move to either the true or the false output of the element, and depending on your campaign design, can be moved to the next element or phase of the campaign, or can remain in the output area.

Email Event Elements have two potential output paths, one for the event occurring (a green plus on the element edge ) and one for the event not occurring after a specified wait period (a red plus on the element edge ).


  1. Open or create a new campaign in Campaign Designer. Click the blue plus button on the edge of the Email element you want to add the Email Event to.
Note: An Email Event element can only be added to a campaign following an Email Element.
  1. Select the Email Event option from the drop-down list.
  2. To set up the email event, click the element.
  3. Optionally, you can change the Element name in the Name field. You may wish to do this to make the element name relevant to the phase of the campaign.
  4. Select the event:
    • Open: the recipient has opened the email
    • Any Click: the recipient has clicked any link in the email
  5. Select the Event wait limit check box if you want to limit your event to a defined time period. The wait period can be anything from minutes to years. If you don’t add an event wait limit, there is no negative output. So recipients will remain in the element, waiting for the event to occur, until the campaign end date. If the event occurs during the life of the campaign, they will move to the positive output.
  6. Click the Done button. You can then select a further action:
    • Click the green plus button on the Email Event element edge to create the next action if the event occurs. For example, if a recipient opens the email within the defined two day period, they will receive an offer email.
    • Click the red plus button on the Email Event element edge to create the next action if the event does not occur. For example, if a recipient did not open an email within the defined two day period, they will receive a reminder email.
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