Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Uploading Files

You can upload files directly to the Document Explorer using the Upload Files option. You can upload any file that can be used in the system, for example .csv files of campaign events, Excel templates, or Campaign Manager documents that have been saved externally and require re-importing.

Document IDs

In Campaign Manager, the Campaign owner controls the user under which a campaign runs. As the document transfer tool has to create new document IDs for each document it imports, the Document Transfer tool has to create new document IDs for each document it imports, it will currently set the campaign owner to the user who imports the documents. If owner switching is required it has to be done manually by Taking Ownership.

Document Versions

When upgrading to a new version of Campaign Manager, all documents in the system are automatically upgraded as well. Importing a document file that was created in a previous version will mean that it is not compatible with the current version and you will not be able to view or edit it.


  1. In the Document Explorer, navigate to the folder to which you want to upload the files.
  2. Click the Upload Files button.

The upload screen is displayed.

  1. Click the Select Files button.

A browser window is displayed.

  1. Locate and select one or more files to upload.

The selected file(s) are displayed in the window.

  1. If required, you can change the name of the files by editing the 'Import As' column.

Click the Upload button to start the upload. The standard progress bar will be displayed as the file uploads.

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