Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Substitution Parameter

Use the Substitution Parameter on a Query Form to create a parameter that can be selected or populated by the user that is completing the query form. You can configure this tool to display a pre-defined list of choices for the user to select from, or a free text area where the user can enter their own choices.

You can also use these parameters to build advanced dashboard filters; users can filter the data based on the parameter value that they selected or entered in the dashboard's query form.


  1. Drag the tool from the tool box into a query form, or select it from the Create new drop-down:

The Substitution Parameter configuration fields are displayed.

  1. Populate the required fields:

Option Description
Field Description
ParameterName Enter a meaningful name for the parameter.
Question Enter the question you want users to answer to obtain the parameter value. For example, 'What age do you want to filter the data by?"
Choices If you want to specify a list of suitable answers for the user to choose from, enter each answer in this field.
Default Value Optionally, specify a default value for the parameter.

  1. Save your changes.
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