Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Scheduled Document Ownership

Scheduled document ownership relates to all scheduled documents saved within Campaign Manager. It ensures that a scheduled document will always run under the user name defined as the Document Owner so that the counts returned can clearly be controlled, based on any Engine security applied to that user.

A message containing the relevant document name is displayed. It advises users that they are taking ownership of a scheduled document.

This message is received when:

  • Changing the schedule of a scheduled document you do not currently own

  • Saving changes to a scheduled document you do not currently own

If a user clicks Save they will become the document owner.

If a user clicks Don't Save, the document owner does not change and the amendments to the scheduled document will not be applied.

Note: If your permissions are different from the existing scheduled document owner, there could be a change in the totals returned.
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