Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Or Box Tool

Use the Or Box tool to create a container in a query form within which child elements are OR’d together by default.

The OR box can have its own resolution level and can contain all the other question types, including child AND/OR boxes. OR boxes can be saved as templates, which offer a useful way of saving and reusing complex selections.


  1. Drag the tool from the tool box, or select it from the Create new drop-down.
  2. Click the expand icon and optionally enter a Name for the Or Box then set the resolution level to the required table.
  3. Drag tools from the toolbox to populate the OR Box with questions. Alternatively, select options from the Create new drop-down within the OR box.

When adding questions to the box, take care that you are adding them to the actual box and not below it. When in Edit mode, questions within an AND/OR box are slightly indented. When viewing the final question sheet, it is not possible to tell which questions are contained within AND/OR boxes.

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