Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Numeric Range Tool

Use the Numeric Range tool to build questions based on the value of numeric columns (records are selected based on whether the value of a particular column lies between two numeric points).

For example, to select all customers whose Income is between X and Y:


  1. Drag the tool from the tool box, or select it from the Create new drop-down.
  2. Optionally enter a name for the form element.
  3. Enter the question text that will appear on the worksheet, for example 'Select customer income range'.
  4. Click into the Column field and select the numeric column that will form the basis of the question. Alternatively, drag a column from the Data Explorer.
  5. Use the Minimum and Maximum value fields to restrict selectable values to a defined range.
  6. Select the method(s) that will be available to the user to select values - range boxes and/or a range slider. See below for an example showing both options:

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