Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Export to EM List tool

Use the Export to EM List tool to export segments created using Customer Analytics tools directly to a configured Email Manager database as either a recipient or suppression list.


You require a license for Email Manager.

These lists will then be available immediately for use in email deployments. To export the list to Email Manager, schedule the document using the document scheduler located by clicking on the button.


  1. Drag the tool to your Workspace, below the segment that you want to export.

The Export to EM List configuration tool is displayed.

  1. Select whether the list you are uploading will be a Recipient List or a Suppression List. Note that suppression lists must include an 'e-mail address' field.
  2. Select a Layout using one of the three options.
  3. If you don’t have either a saved Document Layout or Linked Layout Template clicking on the icon allows you to create an Inline Layout. Note that you will have to include a column in your layout that will provide the Primary Key for the recipient record in the destination Email Manager database.
  4. Select the EM Account to Export to. Customer Analytics can export to any EM account that you have configured to it. Click on Clear EM Configuration to remove the export option.
  5. Select the Email Manager List Category that your new list will be added to. List categories are used in Email Manager to manage and sort lists.
  6. You can either append the records in your segment to an existing list in Email Manager, or create a new list. To append, click the Lists button and select the list that you wish to append to. To create a new list in the selected category, type the name into the Select List Name field.
  7. Map the fields in the layout to fields in the destination Email Manager database:
    1. Select the Layout Primary Key from the drop-down list.
    2. Select the list Primary Key from the drop-down list. The list will display all discrete fields in the destination database.
    3. If there are any additional fields in the layout then a grid will be displayed where you can map these fields to fields in the destination database.
Note: Lists used cannot contain duplicate values.
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