Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Data Import Tool

Use the Data Import tool to import data into the Engine database connected to the Campaign Manager system. It should be considered an ancillary method as the most powerful and efficient method of importing data into Engine is using the iLoader product.

Before you begin

Before importing into the Engine database using this tool, the file must first be uploaded into the Campaign Manager document store. Fixed width, delimited, and Excel files are supported.

The Data Import tool is considered an ancillary method for importing data. It is recommended to import data into Engine using iLoader.


  1. From the main Campaign Manager ribbon bar, click the Documents button.

The Document Explorer is displayed.

  1. Browse to the folder that you wish to import the file to.
  2. Click the Upload Files button.

The Upload Files window is displayed.

  1. Click Select Files to display a standard Windows browser window, from which you can locate and select the file that you want to upload.
  2. Click Open

The selected file is displayed in the Upload Files window.

  1. Click the Upload button.

A File Transfers progress window is displayed. Once the upload is complete, the file is displayed in the Document Explorer window. If you cannot see the file, ensure that 'All Files' is selected from the drop-down menu on the bottom-right of the screen.

  1. Drag the Data Import tool to the Document Bar at the bottom of the screen and click on it to display the Data Import tool:

  1. In the File field, click the Browse button to display the Select File window, from which you can choose the file that you want to import from the Campaign Manager Document Store.
  2. Locate and select the required file, then click Select. The tool's file configuration field displays the details of the selected file.
  3. Click into the Database Name field and select the database that you will import to from the generic selector.
  4. In the Table Name field, enter the required table name.
  5. Select one of the following modes from the Mode drop down list:
    • Create: Creates a new table with the specified name. When this mode is selected you can optionally check the 'Delete Existing Table?'option if the table already exists and you want to overwrite it.
    • Append : Adds the records to an existing table. When this mode is selected you can optionally select the 'Update all Existing links' option.
  6. The area below the Mode field displays a snapshot of the selected file. This cannot be edited, but is intended to provide the user with the information that they need to complete the Options section below.

Complete the Options section by selecting the File Type and the corresponding options which will differ depending on the type of file. For example, for a 'Delimited' file the fields will be Delimiter, Qualifier and whether the imported file includes Header and Trailer records.

The grid below displays a list of all the columns in the selected file. Using the buttons you can add a new column, delete a column, or change the order of columns.

When creating a new table, you must click into the Links area below to map table keys using the Engine Link tool.

If you selected the Append mode to append to an existing table, the Links field is not required and is no longer displayed.

  1. Click the Run Processes button to complete the import.
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