Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating a Query Form

Create a query form by clicking Use a Query from within Campaign Central.


  1. Select Use a Query Form from Campaign Central.

A blank form is displayed.

  1. Click Edit Questions at the bottom right of the screen to flip the form over and start configuring questions. You can then drag and drop the tools you want to use. For example:

  1. Enter a name for the query form in the field provided.
  2. Set the resolution level by clicking the expand icon next to the Name field then clicking in the Resolution Level field and selecting the relevant table.
  3. Use the following Query form tools to get started:
    • Create a Header for your query form, or a Sub Heading within the body of the form. Note that you can edit the font, color and format of headings using the options on the Formatting tab.
    • Configure query form questions using tools like List of Values, Yes or No Question, Column Value and Date Range
    • Use an Exclude Box to suppress groups of records.
    • Embed Campaign Manager objects like charts and dashboards using the Embedded Item tool.
    • Include a Segment Editor tool to allow end users to configure their own selections using any Campaign Manager tool.

More advanced forms can be set up to incorporate parameter functionality. Parameter tools include:

    • Parameter Box
    • Use Parameter
    • Substitution Parameter

For each tool that you add to a query form you can optionally configure a name for the tool to make it easy to distinguish when you use the same tool one or more times in the same query form. For example:

This name is for reference purposes only, and unlike a tool's title field is not displayed on the query form.

  1. Click Done to flip the form over to see how the end result will look and to calculate interim counts.
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