Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Dashboards

You can create dashboards from Campaign Manager Central or using the New button on the General ribbon bar.

To configure a new dashboard you must be working in Design mode as opposed to View mode. To do so, click the Enable Design on the General ribbon bar.


  1. Select the Work with Dashboards icon from Campaign Manager Central, or select New > Dashboard on the ribbon bar.

A new blank dashboard will open in the workspace. For example:

By default, the new dashboard is created with a single design pane where you can begin adding objects like charts and grids. Additional panes can be added by clicking the icon, or removed by clicking the icon.

  1. Add objects to your dashboard by dragging and dropping templates from the template area, or create objects from scratch by dragging in tools from the Tool Box.
  2. If required, use the Horizontal Divider and Vertical Divider tools to configure your dashboard to display multiple objects.
  3. Add filters that apply to all dashboard panes using the dashboard filter functionality.
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