Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Configuring Dashboard Drill Downs

You can enable users to drill down from a dashboard report to interrogate the data at the required level, by adding one or more additional dashboards to your dashboard set and then setting the drill path between them.


  1. Open the dashboard that you want to drill down from or create a new dashboard by selecting New > Dashboard on the ribbon bar.

    If you are working in View mode you must change to Design mode by toggling the Enable Design button on the ribbon bar.

  2. Ensure that there is a name configured for the Dashboard in the Title field, and that you have configured the dashboard with the required reports.
  3. Click the button to add a new drill to dashboard to the current set.
  4. Enter a name for the new dashboard and add the required reports that you want users to be able to drill down into.
  5. Select the original dashboard from the dashboard drop-down menu.

The selected dashboard is displayed on the page.

  1. In the Drill to field, select the 'drill to' dashboard that you added in step 3. For example:

  1. If you want to add further drill downs repeat steps 3 to 6 to create the required dashboards and drill paths.
Note: You can only configure one drill-down from each dashboard.
  1. Save your changes.

If required, you can test to see whether the drill path is functioning correctly by clicking the Disable Design button on the ribbon bar to switch the dashboard into 'View' mode, and then double-clicking on a report selection in the first dashboard in the set. If the drill path is correctly configured, the expected 'drill to' dashboard will be displayed and filtered by the selected criteria..

Dashboard Drill Down example

For example, the following dashboard displays a chart showing customer occupations:

You could enable users to view detailed information about the customers in each occupation, such as the gender and income distributions of the group, by configuring a drill down. To do so, you would add a new dashboard to the set that displayed the required age and gender reports, and then configure a drill path between the new dashboard and the original customer occupation dashboard.

Drill downs are activated when the user double-clicks on a report selection. If the drill down described above was configured, users could double-click on any of the occupations, such as 'Director', to drill down to the dashboard displaying the gender and income data, which would automatically be filtered by the selected occupation.

The filter criteria that is applied when drilling down is displayed at the top of the resulting dashboard in the form of buttons. This is illustrated above where the 'Director' filter criteria is displayed as \Director buttons. Users can always return to the first dashboard in the drill path by clicking the \ button.

You can add as many dashboards to the drill path as required. In the above example, you could add another dashboard to the set to display the property types of customers. You could then configure this as a drill down from the dashboard displaying gender and income reports. The drill path would therefore be Occupation > Gender or Gender and Income. Users could therefore drill down to view the property types of customers that are male directors with an income of between 70-80k:

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