Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Column Value

Use the Column Value tool on a Query Form to allow users to make single or multiple selections from columns within the database.

For example Gender, Occupation, or Country, or when numeric columns are selected you can use an operator to create questions like Select orders with profit greater than. No filtering functionality is available.


  1. Drag the tool from the tool box, or select it from the Create new drop-down.
  2. In the first configuration field, enter a name for the column value question. Alternatively, leave this field blank so that the name is automatically assigned the question text that you enter in the following step.
  3. Enter the question text that will appear on the worksheet, for example 'Select customer occupations to include'.
  4. Click into the Column field and select the database column that will provide the basis for the selection.
  5. Select a suitable operator from the drop-down.

The above example will be displayed on the query form as follows, allowing a user to manually enter an amount:

When the selected column is something like 'Occupation' then the query form user will need to click into the field and select from multiple values using the helper that is displayed:

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