Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Catalog Mailer Audience Counts

Click the Run Counts button to see a count of audience members per filter and cell row.

  1. Click the Run Counts button.

In this example the counts show the campaign will be sent to a total of 59,555 recipients.

Campaign counts are calculated as follows:

Row Type Available Gross Net Total
Total Inclusions The amount of records in the Table derived from the Campaign Key Audience tab inclusion Segments Count    
Total Exclusions Gross figure from Total Inclusions Row Audience tab Exclusions Segments Count    
Total Audience Gross from Total Inclusions Row excluding Gross from Total Exclusions Row      
Filter Row Number of Records available to this row (exceptions for Sample From Parent) Filter Query "And" Available Gross after NperX and Sampling applied  
Cell Row Number of Records available to this row (exceptions for Sample From Parent) Filter Query "And" Available Gross after NperX and Sampling applied Running Total of Net figures for Cell Rows

For the filter and cell rows these counts are displayed as follows:

Row Available Gross Net Total
Row 4, Filter Row Available 253,065: The amount in the total Audience Inclusion minus any exclusions. Gross 66,203: The count in the selection applied to the filter. Net 59,555: The count when a selection has been applied to the filter.  
Row 5, Cell Row Available 59,555: The count of recipients available in the filter. Gross 59,555: The count of recipients in the selection applied to the cell Net 14, 869: The total count of sample recipients for this cell row. Note that the sampling figure is calculated from the amount of people available in the filter. In this case 25% of 59,555 Total 14, 869: A running of recipients who will receive the campaign.
Row 6, Cell Row Available 59,555: The total count of recipients available in the filter minus the net total in row 5. Gross 134: The count of recipients in the selection applied to the filter. Net 14, 869: The total count of sample recipients for this cell row. Note that the sampling figure is calculated from the amount of people available in the filter. In this case 25% of 59,555. Total 29,778: A running count of recipients who will receive the campaign
Row 7, Cell Row Available 29,777: The count of people available when the total (29,778) has been subtracted from the Gross (59,555). Gross 29, 777: The count of people remaining as available Net 29, 777: The count of recipients for this cell row. Total 59,555: A running count of recipients who will receive the campaign.

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