Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Adding approvers to an approval user group

User groups with the approval permission are visible within the approvals group drop down box within Approval and Notes. This allows a selected group to be informed that a campaign is waiting to be approved

This task can only be carried out by administrators with the relevant administration permissions.

It is recommended that approvers are added to an approval group. This ensures that the campaign approval process will continue if an approver user is removed from the system.


  1. From the Settings section of the slide-out navigation pane select Security.
  2. Select the relevant group.
  3. Select the Members tab and click Edit.
  4. Select the required approvers from the Available members list and click Add to add them as a User group member.
  5. Click Save.

The approvals group notification only provides the notification that the approval task is needed. Any user with approval permissions can approve any campaign.

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