Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Adding Tracks to the Catalog Mailer Campaign

Grid segmentation is based on a static inclusion audience.

As this is a mailshot campaign, recipients only need to be added to the start track, and will not be processed more than once.

When setting up the campaign we entered a campaign start date of tomorrow's date, and an end date two days from now.

The track for this campaign is 'Do Immediately'. By default, at the top of every Track underneath the word "Timeline", it will say "Do Immediately" and this is a time item.

Even though the track time item states 'Do Immediately', recipients will not be processed until the campaign is running, based on the Campaign start date and any polling attributes.

Polling attributes

You must specify how often to check for new activity, this is the Polling frequency.

To see the available Polling Settings, click on the drag and drop section of the time item, an Attributes option appears above the applications ribbon bar.

The default settings is to check (poll) every 600 seconds, (every 10 minutes). This means the recipients in the track will not be processed for ten minutes after the campaign has started.

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