Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Using the Twitter plugin

Note that the plugin is available only as a Transformation step; it is not available as a Job plugin.


  1. To start Spoon, navigate to your Kettle directory and run spoon.bat.
  2. Create a new Transformation (File > New > Transformation).
  3. In the Design tab, select the Alterian category, then select the Import from Twitter plugin and drag it to the transformation panel.
  4. In the Design tab, select the Output category.
  5. Select the Text file output step and drag it to the transformation panel.
  6. Link the Import from Twitter step to the Text file output step.
  7. Double-click the Text file output step, select the Fields tab and click the Get Fields button.
  8. Select Add all.
  9. Save the transformation.
    Your initial transformation should look like the diagram below. There is a TwitterExample.ktr file that contains this initial transformation.

  10. If you want to post direct messages, in addition to the previous steps, you must configure the data grid tool with one field of type 'String' on the Meta tab.
    In the example screen shots below, the field is called 'user' and the Data tab contains the Twitter screen names.

    There is a PostDirectMessagesExample.ktr file that contains the initial transformation. The initial transformation for posting direct messages should look like this:

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