Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Tweeting Limits When Using The Twitter Plugin

There are some limits on the number of messages you can send when using the Twitter plugin.

Direct Messages

You can send only 250 direct messages per day. The user you are sending direct messages to must follow you, otherwise you will see this error message: 'You cannot send messages to users who are not following you'.


Only 1,000 messages can be tweeted per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. If you hit your account update/Tweet limit, try again in a few hours after the limit period has elapsed. Re-Tweets count as Tweets. You can tweet a maximum of 140 characters at a time.

Note: If a limit is reached an error message is displayed describing the limit hit. For limits that are time-based, for example direct messages, Tweets and API request limits, you will be able to try again after the time limit has elapsed.
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