Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Setting Up An Engine Shutdown

The purpose of this Job Step is to shut down Engine on the local Engine server to ensure the stability of the data load process.

The Step should be used in a Job only once and not be expected to pass results on to a next Step. The process attempts an Engine shutdown every minute until the maximum number of minutes has been reached.


  1. Choose the Engine project name from the combo box. The combo box contains a list of projects installed on this server.
  2. Click Add to place the project name in the next line.
  3. To ensure there is a valid value for the Engine Project name in this field, choose from the list in AMC or the combo box mentioned in step 1.
  4. Enter the number of minutes to elapse before failure of the Job Step is reported. A failure can prompt an email to be sent to a person who can manually shut Engine down before attempting to load data.
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